
Porridge Recipe. Soaked over night.

300 millilitres of water
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 heaped dessert spoon of turmeric powder.
1/3 cup of rolled oats
1 heaped dessert spoon of Waimarino Coconut oil

This is let to stand over night and it is interesting to note that some of the coconut oil has melted over night due to the reaction of the  rolled oats softening and being easier to digest.  (This does not happen on a cold night but happens when our house maintains a temperature of 20 or more degrees due to extra ceiling insulation.)

In the morning I cook the porridge for 4 minutes in the microwave.  Take it out and let it stand on the bench to thicken as it cools.  I stir it adding about 100 millilitres of water and put it back in the microwave for 5 minutes.

The porridge is a golden brown colour which we put a heaped dessert spoon of LSA (linseed, sunflower seed & almonds) on, plus a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a teaspoon of granulated bee pollen.  We top this off with two scoops of yoghurt.  We have this all year round and find this a very satisfying breakfast.  Lorraine is a diabetic and this breakfast works best for her.

I like the turmeric powder as I have arthritis in my fingers. The joints are swollen and fingers twisted but I have no pain.


Wilfred Bonner P Martin